Improvability is the proud home for Total Improv Kids, a one of a kind school that uses developmental improvisation to offer kids a fun and exciting means of tapping into right brain thinking and expanding their imaginations. Total Improv Kids also nurtures important life skills within a healthy, supportive group environment. It is a great means for students to explore who they are, allowing them to find the greatest potential in themselves and each other.
Skills students learn include:
• Self-Confidence • Cooperation • Nurturing • Focus • Listening • Memory Recall • Communication • Connection • Intuition • Problem Solving • Spontaneity • Support of Others • Occupational Preparedness • Relaxation • Good Judgment • Personal Validation • Trust
We are the only school of improvisation that does not focus specifically on a career in the entertainment business, but on life skills the students can draw from no matter where their futures take them. Total Improv Kids classes are run by founder and improv mentor Linda Fulton as well as teachers from the Total Improv Kids staff fully trained in The Fulton Method. Occasionally, the studio will host guest teachers, including improv professionals from Second City and other schools.
Class Specifics
Class size: 12-14 students
Age range: 8-18
Class times vary. Contact Improvability and check here for dates and times for new classes!
Prices: $25 per class or $100 for the month
If the month has a fifth week, students get it FREE with the purchase of a month’s worth of classes.
Special Online Discount: If you mention the website and sign up for three months of class, you get one month of classes FREE!
Linda works with students once a week at a theatre space in Los Angeles. She works with students of all ages and experience levels, starting at eight years old. With Linda’s guidance and experience, she helps students discover their strengths and learn how they can improve on their weaknesses. She helps them see their true potential and uncover ways they can prepare themselves for anything their future’s may hold, building confidence and other valuable life skills. Classes typically run two to three hours long and students do everything from simple warm up games through activities specifically designed to teach lessons through scene work and more complex exercises.
The Fulton Method is a unique and dynamic scientifically backed approach to using developmental improvisation to enhance cognitive growth and build the life skills students will need for their future. Linda helps students learn through experience and prefer to give them control of their own learning and development in a structured and guided classroom setting. The idea is to help them work together to teach themselves, to learn empathy, and how to cooperate and collaborate…in an extremely fun and exciting environment. The Fulton Method is a mature yet supportive approach to growth and education, using improv as a tool to help students of any age on any learning level identify their strengths, develop their personalities as well as their minds, adapt necessary skills that will help them build a future and most important, grow the confidence they need to succeed in any endeavor.